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School Employees

Addison-Addison Northwest Education Association, Vermont NEA and Addison Central School Board 89-51
Alburgh-Grand Isle Staff Association, VEA/NEA, Local 136 and Grand Isle Staff School Board 81-16
Alburgh-Grand Isle Staff Association, Local 136, Vermont NEA and Alburg Board of School Directors 83-05
Alburgh-Grand Isle Supervisory Union-NEA and Alburg School Board 14-11
Arlington-Arlington Education Association, Vermont NEA, NEA and Arlington School Board 93-45
Arlington-Arlington Support Staff, Arlington Education Association, VT-NEA, and Arlington School Bd. 94-67
Bakersfield-Franklin NE-NEA/VT-NEA (Bakersfield ESP Unit) and Bakersfield Board of School Dir.  07-15
Barnet-Barnet Teacher's Association and Barnet Board of School Directors 94-02
Barnet-Barnet School Support Staff Emp. and Barnet Teacher's Ass. and Barnet Board of School Dir. 95-15
Barnet-Barnet Education Association, Vermont NEA, and Barnet Board of School Directors 96-89
Barre-AFSCME AFL-CIO and City of Barre 50-02
Barre Town-AFSCME Council 93, Local 1369 and Barre Town Schools 04-10
Barre Town-AFSCME AFL-CIO and Town of Barre 50-03
Barre Town-AFSCME AFL-CIO and School Directors of Town of Barre 50-04
Barton-Orleans Central Staff Association, Vermont-NEA, and Orleans Central Supervisory Union Board 87-56
Barton-Lake Region Union HS Custodial/Secretarial Unit, VT-NEA, and Lake Region Union High School Bd. of Dir.  87-59
Barton-Lake Region Union HS Custodial/Secretarial Personnel Unit, VT-NEA, and Lake Region Union High School Bd. of School Dir. 90-28
Barton-Orleans Central Staff Association of the Orleans Education Ass., VT-NEA and Barton Academy and Graded School Bd. 90-61
Bellows Falls-Windham Northeast Support Staff Association, Local 720, VEA/NEA and Bellows Falls Union High School District   79-94
Bellows Falls-Windham Northeast Education Association and Windham Northeast Supervisory Union et al.  22-10
Bennington-Southwest Vermont Education Association and Mt. Anthony Board of School Directors 76-19 
Bennington-Southwest Vermont Education Association, Educ. Support Personnel Unit and SW Vermont Supervisory Union Bd.   86-40 
Bennington-Educational Supp. Personnel Unit,SW VT Education Ass., VT-NEA and Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union School Bd. 88-04 
Bennington-Southwest Vermont Education Association, Support Personnel Unit and Bennington School District School Board 95-18 
Benson-Addison Rutland Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Benson School Board 02-06 
Berlin-AFT Local 3333 and Washington Central Supervisory Union 50-15
Berlin-WCSU Staff Association VEA/NEA Local 431 and Washington Central Supervisory Union School Bd. 80-54
Berlin-Washington Central Teacher's Association and Berlin Board of School Directors 89-44
Berlin-Washington Central Teacher's Association and Berlin Board of School Directors   93-21 
Bethel-Windsor Northwest Education Association and Bethel School Board 01-50
Bethel, Rochester-Windsor Northwest Education Ass. and Windsor Northwest Supervisory Union School Bd. 01-48 
Bradford-Oxbow Staff Association, VEA/NEA and Union High School District #30  80-79
Bradford-Oxbow Staff Association, Local #624, VT-NEA/NEA and Oxbow Union High School District   91-12
Bradford-Orange East District Elementary Association, VT-NEA and Bradford Elementary Board of School Dir.   92-49 
Brandon-Rutland Northeast Education Association-ESP and Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union 04-02 
Brandon-Rutland Northeast Educational Association/Vermont NEA/NEA and Brandon Town School Board 96-19 
Brattleboro-Windham Southeast Staff Association, Local 719 and Brattleboro Union High School Board of Directors   79-92 
Brattleboro-Windham Southeast Staff Association, Local 719 and Brattleboro Union High School Board of Dir. 80-18 
Brattleboro-Windham Southeast Staff Association, Local 719 and Brattleboro Town Board of School Dir. 80-51 
Bristol-Bristol Teachers Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Bristol School Board 01-31  
Bristol-Addison Northeast Education Association/Mount Abraham UHS-ESP and Mount Abraham Union High School Bd.   03-53
Bristol-Addison Northeast Education Association and Bristol Elementary School Board 15-43
Brownington-Orleans Central Staff Association and Brownington Board of School Directors 87-55
Burke-Caledonia North Education Association, VT-NEA and Burke School Board  92-20
Burlington-Aides Association of the Burlington School District and Burlington Board of School Commissioners  76-21
Burlington-AFSCME Council 93, Local 1343, AFL-CIO and Burlington School District 97-67
Burlington-AFSCME Council 93, Local 1343 and Burlington School District 03-10
Burlington-AFSCME Council 93, Local 1343 and Burlington School District 14-17
Burlington-AFSCME Council 93, and Burlington School District 22-22
Burlington-Burlington Education Association and Burlington School District 22-27
Burlington -Burlington Education Association and Burlington School District 23-15
Cabot-Cabot Teachers Association, Vermont-NEA and Cabot Board of School Directors  89-77
Calais-Washington Central Teachers Association, VT-NEA and Calais Board of School Directors 89-37
Calais-Washington Central Education Association, Vermont-NEA and Calais Board of School Directors 93-30 
Caledonia-Caledonia North Education Association and Caledonia North Supervisory Union School Board 14-51
Cambridge-Lamoille North Education Association and Cambridge Elementary School Board 10-04
Cambridge-Lamoille North Education Association and Cambridge Elementary School Board 11-41
Canaan-Essex North Education Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Essex North Supervisory Union Board  95-34
Canaan-Essex North Education Association/Vermont-NEA and Canaan School District  24-45
Castleton-Addison-Rutland Supervisory Union Education Association (Castleton ESP)/ Vermont-NEA/NEA and Castleton/Hubbardton School Board 07-25
Charlotte-Chittenden South Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Charlotte Board of School Directors 99-32
Chester-Chester Education Association, Vermont NEA and Green Mountain Union High School District 86-31
Chester-Chester Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Chester-Andover Elementary School Board 96-55
Chittenden-Green Mountain NEA and Chittenden East Supervisory Union 10-26
Chittenden-Green Mountain NEA/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Mount Mansfield Unified Union School District 19-25
Chittenden-Chittenden South Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Chittenden South Supervisory Union 11-02
Colchester-Colchester Education Association, Vermont-NEA and Colchester Supervisory District School Board 88-41
Colchester-Educational Support Personnel, Colchester Education Association, Vermont-NEA and Colchester Supervisory District School Board  90-38
Colchester-Educational Support Personnel, Colchester Education Association, Vermont-NEA and Colchester Supervisory District School Board 93-34
Concord-Essex-Caledonia NEA/VT-NEA/NEA and Concord Board of School Directors  99-12
Craftsbury-Craftsbury Teachers Association and Craftsbury Board of School Directors  89-10
Danville-Danville Teachers Association/Vermont-NEA and Danville School Board 01-22
Derby-Northeast Kingdom Elementary School Staff Association, VT NEA/NEA and Orleans Essex North Supervisory Union 87-31
Derby-Northeast Kingdom Elementary School Staff Association, Vermont-NEA and Derby Board of School Directors 89-26
Derby-Orleans-Essex North Sup.Union Paraprofessionals and Orleans Essex North Supervisory Union School District 93-07
Dover-Windham Central Education Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Dover Elementary Board of School Directors  99-05
Dover-Windham Central Education Association /VT-NEA/NEA and Dover Elementary Board of School Directors 09-01 
Duxbury-Harwood Union High School Staff Association, Vermont NEA and Harwood Union High School Board of School Directors  89-19
Duxbury-Harwood Education Association, Educational Support Staff Unit and Harwood Union High School Board 95-19 
East Albany-Orleans Central Staff Association, Vermont NEA, NEA and Albany Board of School Directors 87-54
East Montpelier-Washington Central Teachers Association, Vermont NEA and East Montpelier Board of School Directors  89-12
East Montpelier-Washington Central Teachers Association, Vermont NEA and Washington Central Supervisory Union School Board 89-13 
Eden-Lamoille North Education Association and Eden School Board 13-11
Enosburg Falls-Enosburg Falls Teachers Association/Vermont-NEA and Enosburg Falls Prudential Committee (School Board) 07-14 
Essex-Essex Educators Association Vermont-NEA/NEA and Essex Town School Board  00-38
Essex Junction-Essex Junction Education Association, Vermont-NEA and Essex Junction Board of School Directors 89-18 
Fairfax-Bellows Free Academy-Fairfax Education Association and Bellows Free Academy School Board 11-19
Fairfax-Bellows Free Academy Education Association and Bellows Free Academy School Board 15-06
Fair Haven-Fair Haven Union High School Education Association, VFT, AFT Local #3342, AFL-CIO and Fair Haven Union High School Board 82-68 
Fairlee-Rivendell Education Association-Vermont-NEA/NEA and Rivendell Board of School Directors 03-04 
Ferrisburg-Addison Northwest Education Association, Vermont NEA and Ferrisburg Central School Board  89-52
Franklin West Education Association and Franklin West Supervisory Union  24-28
Georgia-Georgia Teachers Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Georgia Elementary and Middle School Board 98-27 
Glover-Orleans Central Staff Association, Vermont-NEA, NEA and Glover Board of School Directors 87-57 
Grand Isle-Grand Isle Supervisory Union-NEA/VT-NEA/NEA and Grand Isle Board of School Directors 95-23
Hardwick-Hardwick Elementary Education Association (ESP Unit)/VT NEA/NEA and Hardwick Elementary School Board 04-25 
Hardwick-Hazen Union Federation of Teachers AFT Local 3269, AFL-CIO and Hazen Union School 50-32 
Hartford-Hartford Teachers Association/Vermont-NEA and Hartford School Board 00-42 
Hartland-Hartland Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Hartland Board of School Directors 94-16 
Highgate-Franklin Northwest Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Highgate Board of School Directors 93-29 
Highgate-Franklin Northwest Education Association/Vermont-NEA and Franklin Northwest Supervisory Union   93-58
Hinesburg-Chittenden South Education Association Vermont-NEA/NEA and Champlain Valley Union High School Board   00-26
Hinesburg-Champlain Valley Union High School Staff Association VEA/NEA and Champlain Valley Union High School District #15 79-08 
Hinesburg-Champlian Valley Union School Staff Association VEA/NEA Local 325 and Champlain Valley Union High School District #15 80-50 
Hinesburg-Chittenden South Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Hinesburg Community School Board 07-13 
Huntington-Green Mountain - NEA (ESP Unit)/Vermont NEA/NEA and Brewster-Pierce Memorial School Board 04-34 
Hyde Park-Lamoille North Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Lamoille North Supervisory Union  95-08
Hyde Park-Lamoille North Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Lamoille North Supervisory Union 11-29
Hyde Park-Lamoille Union High School Education Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Lamoille Union High School Board 95-26 
Hyde Park-Lamoille North Education Association, Vermont-NEA/NEA and Hyde Park Elementary School Board 96-49 
Irasburg-Orleans Central Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Irasburg Village Board of School Directors 98-85 
Jay-Northeast Kingdom Elementary School Staff Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Jay/Westfield Joint Board of School Directors  03-22
Jay-Northeast Kingdom Elementary School Staff Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Jay/Westfield Joint Board of School Directors  12-28
Jericho-Green Mountain-NEA (ESP Unit/Vermont NEA/NEA and Jericho Elementary School Board 04-33 
Jericho-Green Mountain-NEA (ESP Unit/Vermont NEA/NEA ) and Mount Mansfield Union High School Board 04-35 
Lamoille-Lamoille South Education Association and Lamoille South Unified School District 22-25
Lincoln-Addison Northeast Education Association and Lincoln Community School Board 14-25
Londonderry-Flood Brook Staff Association Local 632, VEA/NEA and Flood Brook Union School District 81-04 
Lowell-NE Kingdom EA/VT-NEA and Lowell School Board/N. Country Supervisory Union  24-05
Ludlow-Ludlow Support Staff/Bus Drivers' Unit, Vermont NEA and Ludlow Town Board of School Directors 89-09 
Ludlow-Ludlow Teachers Association/Vermont-NEA and Ludlow School Board  93-43
Ludlow-Ludlow Teachers Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Black River High School Board 93-44 
Lunenberg-Essex-Caledonia NEA and Lunenburg Board of School Directors 00-77
Lyndon-Caledonia North Education Association/VT NEA and Lyndon School Board 92-14
Manchester-Manchester Education Association and Manchester School Board 14-36
Middlebury-Middlebury Union High School Staff Association and Middlebury Union High School Board of School Directors 89-65 
Milton-Milton Staff Association VEA/NEA and Milton Board of School Directors  79-24
Monkton-Monkton and Monkton School Board 06-03
Monkton-Addison NEA and Monkton Central School Bd. 14-43
Montpelier-Vermont State Employees Association and Montpelier Board of School Commissioners 50-17
Montpelier-AFSCME, AFL-CIO and Montpelier Public Schools 83-60
Montpelier-AFSCME Council 93 and Montpelier School District 08-24
Montpelier-Montpelier Education Support Staff Association, Vermont-NEA/NEA and Montpelier School Board 09-37
Moretown-Valley Teachers Association, VT-NEA and Moretown Board of School Dir. 89-45 
Morrisville-Morristown Staff Association/Vermont-NEA and Morristown School Board 95-04
Newfane-Windham Central Education Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Newfane School Board 95-35 
New Haven-Addison Northeast Education Association and Beeman Elementary School Board 14-50
Newport-North Country Union Education Association, Vermont NEA and North Country Union Board of School Directors 88-80
Newport-Northeast Kingdom Elementary Staff Association and Newport City School District 17-6
Northfield-Washington South District Teachers Association, Vermont-NEA and Northfield Board of School Directors  88-45
Northfield-Washington South District Teachers Association, Vermont-NEA and Washington South Supervisory Union School Board 88-57
Northfield-Washington South Education Association and Washington South Supervisory Union School Board 17-53
Norwich-Norwich Teachers Association and Norwich School Board 11-44
Orange-Orange North Education Support Personnel Assoc./Vermont-NEA/NEA and Orange Center School Board 97-28
Orleans-Orleans Central Education Ass. and Orleans Elementary School Bd. 95-29
Orwell-Addison Rutland Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Orwell School Board 02-05 
Peacham-Peacham Education Ass./VT-NEA and Peacham Board of School Dir. 03-05
Plainfield-Twinfield Staff Association VEA/NEA Local 430 and Twinfield Union School District  80-17
Plainfield-Twinfield Staff Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Twinfield Board of School Directors 93-40
Poultney-Vermont Federation of Teachers, AFT, AFL-CIO and Town of Poultney School System 77-36
Poultney-Poultney Teachers' Association and Poultney Board of School Directors 16-39
Proctor-Proctor Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Proctor School Board 94-71 
Putney-Windham Southeast Education Association and Town of Putney Board of School Directors 86-35 
Randolph/Orange-Orange Southwest Teachers Association and Randolph UHS, Randolph,Braintree & Brookfield School Boards  87-13
Richmond-Green Mountain - NEA (ESP Unit)/Vermont NEA/NEA and Chittenden East Supervisory Union School Board  04-31
Richmond-Green Mountain-NEA (ESP Unit)/Vermont NEA/NEA and Richmond Elementary School Board 04-32
Rochester-Windsor Northwest Education Association and Rochester School Board 01-49
Rockingham-Windham Northeast Support Staff Association, Local 720, VEA/NEA and Town of Rockingham Board of School Directors 79-93 
Rockingham-Windham Northeast Support Staff Association, Local 720, VEA/NEA and Windham Northeast Supervisory Union School Board 80-25 
Rockingham-Windham Northeast Education Association and Windham Northeast Supervisory Union et al. 22-10
Royalton-Orange Windsor Educational Ass. and Royalton Board of School Directors 83-40
Royalton-Orange Windsor Supp.Staff Employees/Orange Windsor Educational Association and Royalton Board of School Directors 84-51 
Rutland-Vermont Education Association and Rutland City School Department 78-107
Rutland-Rutland City Bd. of School Comm. and AFSCME Local 1201, Council 93  09-08
Rutland-Rutland School Administrators and Rutland Public Schools 80-55
Rutland-Rutland Administrators' Association and Rutland City School District 88-20
Rutland-Northeast Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union 96-13
Rutland Town-Rutland Town Education Association, Vermont-NEA/NEA and Rutland Town Board of School Directors 03-13
Shaftsbury-Southwest Vermont Education Association-ESP/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Shaftsbury Board of School Directors 04-14
Shaftsbury-Southwestern Vermont Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Shaftsbury Board of School Directors 93-36
Sharon-Orange Windsor-Sharon Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Sharon Board of School Directors 09-33
Shelburne-Chittenden South Education Association, Vermont-NEA and Shelburne Board of School Directors 89-29
Sheldon-Franklin Northwest-NEA and Sheldon Board of School Directors 94-52
S.Burlington-S. Burlington Support Staff Association and S. Burlington School District 83-28 
S. Burlington-S. Burlington Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and S. Burlington School Board 05-03 
S. Burlington-S.Burlington School District Support Staff Assoc., VEA/NEA and S. Burlington School District  79-18
S. Burlington-S. Burlington Educators Association and South Burlington School Board 21-23
S. Hero-Grand Isle Supervisory Union-NEA and South Hero School District, Grand Isle Supervisory Union 24-40
S. Royalton-Orange Windsor Education Association-Sharon and South Royalton School Board 14-54
Springfield-Springfield School Staff Association, Local 630, VEA/NEA and Springfield Board of School Directors 80-26 
St. Albans-St. Albans Town Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and St. Albans Town School Board 01-17 
St. Albans-Custodians' Unit of the St. Albans City Education Association and St. Albans City Board of School Directors 50-36 
St. Albans-Aides Unit of the St. Albans City Education Association and St. Albans City Board of School Commissioners 78-109 
St. Albans-St. Albans City Education Association, VT-NEA/NEA and St. Albans City School Board 95-27 
St. Albans-St. Albans Town Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and St. Albans Center School Board 09-17 
St. Albans-St. Albans Town Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and St. Albans Center School Board 09-23
St. Albans-St. Albans Town Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and St. Albans Town Education Center Board of School Directors 10-40 
St. Johnsbury-St. Johnsbury Staff Association VEA/NEA, Local 224 and St. Johnsbury Board of School Directors 81-03 
Starksboro-Addison Northeast Education Association and Robinson Elementary School Board 14-15
Stockbridge-Windsor Northwest Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Windsor Northwest Supervisory Union (Stockbridge School Board) 08-05
Stowe-Stowe Staff Association, VEA/NEA and Stowe Board of School Directors 79-27
Stowe-Stowe Staff Association, Vermont VEA/NEA and Stowe School District 82-64
Swanton-Educational Supp. Personnel Unit, Missisquoi Valley Education Assoc. and Missisquoi Valley Union High School Board 77-38
Swanton-Missisquoi Valley Union HS Educational Supp. Personnel Unit, VT-NEA, and Missisquoi Valley Union High School Board 87-23
Swanton-Franklin Northwest Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Swanton Board of School Directors 93-33 
Thetford-Orange East District Elementary Education Association and Thetford Elementary Board of School Directors 92-23 
Tinmouth-Middletown Springs Education Association/Vermont-NEA and Tinmouth School Board 12-06
Townshend-Leland and Gray Union High School Staff Association, VEA/NEA and Leland and Gray Union High School Board 81-55 
Townshend-Windham Central Education Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Leland and Gray Union High School Board 99-06 
Townshend-Windham Central Education Association, Vermont-NEA/NEA and Townshend Board of School Directors 99-37
Troy-Northeast Kingdom Elementary School Staff Association/Vermont NEA and Troy School Board 92-17
Underhill-Green Mountain - NEA (ESP Unit)/Vermont NEA/NEA and Underhill I.D. Elementary School Board  04-30
Vergennes-Vergennes Elementary Education Support Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Vergennes Elementary School Board 00-14 
Vergennes-Custodians' Association of the Addison Northwest Supervisory Union and Vergennes ID, Vergennes UHS, Ferrisburg School Boards 77-34
Vergennes-Addison Northwest Education Association, Vermont NEA and Vergennes Union High School Board 89-49 
Vergennes-Addison Northwest Education Association, Vermont NEA and Addison Northwest Supervisory Union 89-50 
Vergennes-Custodians/Secretaries Association of Vergennes Union High School and Vergennes Union High School Board of Directors 98-26 
Vergennes-Vergennes Union Elemenary Paraprofessionals Education Association and Vergennes Union Elementary School Board 14-66
Waits River-Orange East Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Waits River Valley School Board 93-31 
Waits River-Orange East Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Waits River Valley School Board 12-38
Walden-Walden Teachers Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Walden School Board 01-24 
Washington-Orange North Education Support Personnel Assoc./Vermont-NEA/NEA and Washington Village School Board 97-26 
Waterbury-Waterbury Elementary Teachers Association, Vermont-NEA and Waterbury Board of School Directors 89-23
Waterbury/Duxbury-Washington West Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Waterbury-Duxbury UD #45 School Board 05-02 
Weathersfield-Weathersfield Weathersfield Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Weathersfield Board of School Directors 93-20 
Wells-Wells Education Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Wells School Board 95-25 
Wells River-Blue Mountain Union Education Association, Vermont-NEA and Blue Mountain Union Board of School Directors 89-32 
West Rutland-West Rutland Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and West Rutland Board of School Directors  98-86
Westminster-Windham Northeast Support Staff Association, Local 720, VEA/NEA and Town of Westminster Board of School Directors 79-95
Westminister-Windham Northeast Education Association and Windham Northeast Supervisory Union, et al. 22-10
Whitingham-Windham Southwest Education Association and Whitingham Board of School Directors 05-36 
Whitingham-Windham Southwest Education Association and Twin Valley High School Board of School Directors  05-37
Whitingham-Windham Southwest Education Association and Windham Southwest Supervisory Union School Board 05-38 
Williston-Williston Staff Unit, Chittenden South Education Association/VT-NEA and Williston Central School Board 94-13 
Wilmington-Windham Southwest Education Association and Wilmington Board of School Directors 05-35 
Windham Northeast Supervisory Union-Windham Northeast Education Association and Windham Northeast Supervisory Union, et al. 22-10
Windham Northeast Union Elementary School District Board of Directors-Windham NE EA and Windham Northeast Supervisory Union et al. 22-10

Windham Southwest Supervisory Union Staff Association-Windham Southwest Supervisory Union Staff Association/Vermont-NEA and Windham Southwest Supervisory Union  24-44
Windsor-Vermont Education Association and Windsor Town School District  79-65
Windsor-Windsor School Staff Association, Local 628, Vermont NEA and Windsor Town School District 83-20 
Windsor-Windsor School Staff Association and Windsor Town School District 85-48
Windsor-Windsor Southeast Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union  93-38
Windsor-Windsor Southeast Education Association/VT-NEA/NEA and Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union 95-37 
Winooski-Winooski Education Association/Vermont-NEA and Winooski School District 03-44 
Winooski-Winooski Education Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Winooski Board of School Directors 95-14 
Woodstock-Woodstock Union High School Teachers Organization and Woodstock Union High School Board 88-05 
Woodstock-Woodstock Elementary Educators Association/Vermont-NEA/NEA and Woodstock Elementary Board of School Directors  91-16