#16-06, Appeal of VTA and Hatch
#16-06, Appeal of Vermont Troopers' Association and Hatch
#16-06, Appeal of Vermont Troopers' Association and Hatch
#16-60, Washington Northeast Supervisory Union v. Cabot Teachers' Association and Twinfield Edcuation Association
Cabot Teachers' Association and Twinfield Edcuation Association v. Washington Northeast Supervisory Union
#16-60, Washington Northeast Supervisory Union v. Cabot Teachers Association and Twinfield Education Association
Cabot Teachers' Association and Twinfield Education Association v. Washington Northeast Supervisory Union
The grievance in #16-36, Grievance of Provost, has been withdrawn. The matter is dismissed.
The second day of hearing in #16-02, Grievance of Schwaner, has been canceled.
The hearing in #16-10, Grievance of Oruoja, is cancelled because the grievance has been withdrawn.
The hearing in #16-33, Grievance of Marabella, is cancelled because the grievance has been withdrawn.
The back pay and benefits hearing in #15-49, Arlington Staff Association/Vermont-NEA v. Arlington Board of School Commissioners has been canceled.
The hearing in #16-02, Grievance of Schwaner, originally scheduled for this date, has been rescheduled to January 11th and 12th, 2017.
The hearing in #16-40 Grievance of Vermont State Employees' Association (Re: Smoking Ban), has been continued and will be rescheduled at a later date if necessary.