No Hearing
The hearing in #19-35, Grievance of United Academics AAUP/AFT (Re:Tuition Remission), has been postponed.
The hearing in #19-35, Grievance of United Academics AAUP/AFT (Re:Tuition Remission), has been postponed.
The hearing in #19-38 Grievance of Gray has been postponed until further notice.
Oral Argument on State's Motion to Quash Subpoena and for Protective Order, and Grievant's Motion to Compel Discovery and for Order holidng the State in contempt
This is the second day of hearing for #19-39, Teamsters Local 597 and Green Mountain Transit.
The hearing in #19-13, Appeal of Studin, will be rescheduled to a later date.
#19-39, Teamsters Local 597 and Green Mountain Transit
The hearing in #19-19, Grievance of Middleton, originally scheduled for this date has been canceled.