No Hearing
The hearing in 15-46, Grievance of Benoit has been continued to September 29, 2016.
No Hearing
The hearing in #15-51, Grievance of Gingras, Gregoire, Swanson and DeWahl , originally scheduled for this date, has been canceled.
No Hearing
The hearing for #15-41, Appeal of Atlantic Plywood Corporation, originally scheduled for this date, has been canceled.
No Oral Argument
The oral argument originally scheduled for this date in #13-23, Grievance of Gallow, is postponed until May 9th.
#15-42, 15-44 and 15-45 VSEA v. SOV
Last Best Offers Hearing will be held for:
#15-42 VSEA v. SOV (Non-Managment Unit Negociations)
#15-44 VSEA v. SOV (Supervisory Unit Negotiations)
#15-45 VSEA v. SOV (Corrections Unit Negotiations)
No Hearing
The back-pay hearing for #15-30, Grievance of Lepore, has been moved to April 7th.
#15-25, 15-36, Grievances of VSEA
Only #15-36 originally was scheduled for hearing on this date. #15-25 and #15-36 are consolidated for hearing.