No Hearing
The case originally scheduled for this date,Grievance of Chuahan, has been canceled.
No Hearing
The hearing for #18-50, Grievance of Johnston, originally scheduled for this date has been continued.
No Hearing
The back pay hearing in #18-06, Grievance of Farley, has been canceled.
No Hearing
The hearing in #18-35, Grievance of Hill, originally scheduled for this date has been continued.
#19-06, Grievance of Farley (back pay and benefits)
This will be a hearing on backpay and benefits.
The hearing in #18-52, Hartford Career Firefighters Association Local 2905, International Association of Firefighters v. Town of Hartford, has been canceled.
No Hearing
The hearing in #18-45,Caledonia Cooperative Education Association v. Caledonia Cooperative Supervisory Union, originally scheduled for this date, is canceled as the parties have resolved the matter.
No Hearing
The hearing in #18-36, Gr. of United Academics AAUP/AFT (Re: Professional Development Funds), has been canceled.
No Hearing
The hearing in #18-30, Grievance of Wilkinson, originally scheduled for this date, has been rescheduled to April 18, 2019.
No Hearing
The hearing for #18-34, Grievance of Lavigne, has been moved to February 5, 2019.