No Hearing
The unit determination hearing in #21-19, Colchester Career Firefighters Association, IAFF and Town of Colchester has been canceled.
The unit determination hearing in #21-19, Colchester Career Firefighters Association, IAFF and Town of Colchester has been canceled.
This hearing will be conducted by electronic means. Members of the public may attend the hearing by audio by telephoning the meeting call-in number: (802) 552-8456 and then, when prompted to provide a conference ID entering 86921623# . Members of the public may attend the hearing by video and audio by telephoning the Labor Relations Board at (802) 828-2700 and requesting a Microsoft Teams invitation to attend the hearing.
The hearing in #20-09, NEPBA and AFSCME Council 93 and Town of Colchester has been canceled.
This hearing shall be conducted by electronic means. Members of the public may attend the hearing by audio by telephoning the meeting call-in number: (802) 552-8456 and then, when prompted to provide a conference ID entering 916861703#. Members of the public may attend the hearing by video and audio by telephoning the Labor Relations Board at (802) 828-2700 and requesting a Microsoft Teams invitation to attend the hearing.
The hearing in #20-53, Windham NE Education Association, VT-NEA v. Windham NE Supervisory Union School District et al., has been canceled.
This hearing will be conducted by electronic means. Members of the public may attend the hearing by audio by telephoning the meeting call-in number: (802) 552-8456 and then, when prompted to provide a conference ID entering 707631781# . Members of the public may attend the hearing by video and audio by telephoning the Labor Relations Board at (802) 828-2700 and requesting a Microsoft Teams invitation to attend the hearing.
This hearing shall be conducted by electronic means. Members of the public may attend the hearing by audio by telephoning the meeting call-in number: (802) 552-8456 and then, when prompted to provide a conference ID entering 976748556#. Members of the public may attend the hearing by video and audio by telephoning the Labor Relations Board at (802) 828-2700 and requesting a Microsoft Teams invitation to attend the hearing.
Hearing shall be conducted by electronic means. Members of the public may attend the hearing by audio by telephoning the meeting call-in number: (802) 552-8456 and then, when prompted to provide a conference ID entering 319349502#. Members of the public may attend the hearing by video and audio by telephoning the Labor Relations Board at (802) 828-2700 and requesting a Microsoft Teams invitation to attend the hearing.
Hearing shall be conducted by electronic means. Members of the public may attend the hearing by audio by telephoning the meeting call-in number: (802) 552-8456 and then, when prompted to provide a conference ID entering 322705847#. Members of the public may attend the hearing by video and audio by telephoning the Labor Relations Board at (802) 828-2700 and requesting a Microsoft Teams invitation to attend the hearing.